Podcast Episode #0108
Published by 23 December 2007, 4:13 PM EST

Episode #0108 of the podcast is available for download! We’re kinda cheating this week, since we’re not even in town at the moment. This episode was recorded earlier in the week! It’s pretty short, but it’s definitely got the right holiday feel to it. Meri and I discussed some of our fondest holiday memories that somehow involve the series. Whether it’s waiting on specific presents that you know are in the house, or spending too much time playing video games over the break, we covered it all. Actually, we didn’t. However, what we didn’t cover was covered by you… the fans! Definitely check it out.

Episode #0108! VegettoEX and Meri discuss some fantastic holiday memories. Whether it’s waiting on specific presents that you just know are in the house, or wasting a ridiculous amount of time playing video games over a holiday break, we covered it all. Well, we didn’t quite cover everything… but that’s where you all come in!

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