“Dragon Ball Uranai” Cover & Final Details
Published by 29 March 2010, 11:51 AM EDT

Shueisha’s official listing website has finally updated with some information about the upcoming Dragon Ball Uranai book.

The listing included the books cover and a little blurb describing the book:


あの占いババが、あなたの運勢を『DRAGON BALL』に登場する48のキャラクターに当てはめて占う!運勢の浮き沈みが一目でわかる年間チャートつき。占いババを信じれば運気上昇まちがいなし!!

We’ll tell you your destiny…!!

Uranai Baba will divine your fortune based on 48 characters which appear in “DragonBall”! A yearly chart is included that will allow you to instantly comprehend the ebb and flow of your fortune. If you trust in Uranai Baba, your fortune will definitely pick up!!

The book is set to be released 31 March 2010 for ¥840, and you can grab it from Amazon Japan if you so desire. The book will be 224 pages and is a B6 size, which is the same size as the Jump Remix comics. For reference, that is roughly right between the size of the tankōbon and the kanzenban.

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