“Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission” Third-Week Sales
Published by 20 March 2013, 3:14 PM EDT

Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission for the Japanese Nintendo 3DS may not exactly be setting the gaming world on fire, but for the franchise itself, it is certainly a champion.

The game kicked things off with a solid 88,386 copies its first week and then another 21,915 copies its second week. The game continues to hang on for a third week, pushing another 11,396 copies and coming in as the #13 game for the period of 11 March 2013 to 17 March 2013.


For a somewhat random bit of comparison, Dragon Ball DS 2 only managed to hit 53,565 copies during the entire year of 2010 after releasing in February. Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butōden pushed 93,169 copies in 2011, also releasing in February of that year. Ultimate Mission is already at 121,698 copies in just three weeks.

Tune in to this week’s podcast episode for a quick first-impressions look at the game!

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