“Battle of Gods” Passes 500,000 People & ¥680 Million in 2 Days
Published by 01 April 2013, 10:51 AM EDT

Cinema Today reports that the new film Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods has passed an attendance figure of 500,000 viewers and over ¥680 million in its opening weekend (the two days of March 30th & 31st).

While Variety had previously reported $7 million, this updated figure of ¥683,925,000 puts it at roughly $7.26 million based on the 561,098 people attending the viewings across Japan. This equates to 49.9% of the numbers One Piece Film: Z did over the same period this past December. Cinema Today expects that the movie will reach a final gross of ¥3 billion — it does not say “pass” that point as other sources have, but it does not imply that it will not exceed that amount either.

Ticket prices are comparable to One Piece Film: Z, which makes the money side of things fairly easy to compare. The article notes, however, that this is comparatively expensive for a family-oriented film. On top of being popular with children, even though it has been over 15 years since the serialization ended, it can be inferred that there is a strong base of support among older fans from back then, a demographic Toei Animation was specifically shooting for in addition to the younger audience that has become familiar with the franchise through older siblings, parents, and video games.

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  • eddie says:

    Nice try, Mike. Don’t get me wrong, this was a valiant effort. It is obvious, however, that this is the April Fool’s joke. Some crappy anime movie for Dragon Ballz could NOT have made so much money on opening weekend. It surely cannot have surpassed the masterpiece that was Dragonball Evolution. You won’t fool me!

  • supersayianprime says:

    It’s important to note that this film had IMAX screenings as well, which would make the gross even less impressive compared to One Piece’s.

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