Podcast Episode #0069
Published by 18 March 2007, 12:10 AM EDT

Episode #0069 of the podcast is available for download! Julian was in town this weekend, so we finally were able to have another local recording with us all together! Good times, good times… This week we discussed all of the various Japanese DragonBall tunes you can find on iTunes. From some special remixes to the “2005 version” CD singles, there’s actually a decent collection of material up for grabs! We also went over a good bit of news, releases, and e-mails… which actually resulted in another mini-topic, where we discussed this apparently well-known parody clip involving something with a “nine” and a “thousand” in it… Definitely check it out.

Episode #0069! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian discuss the Japanese DragonBall music you can find on iTunes. From exclusive remixes to the “2005 version” CD singles, there is a good deal of music you can pick up on the cheap! News, releases, and your e-mails (including a discussion regarding an apparently well-known parody clip involving something with a “nine” and a “thousand” in it) round out the episode. Referenced sites:… and more. Our conversation touches upon ideas that cross generations of fans, and moves into an interesting Q&A e-mail session with quite the amusing “fan”.


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