Episode #0083 of the podcast is available for download! This week, we took a look at our predictions for 2007, as they were proposed last December in our year-end review. We seem to be doing OK with the predictions, so far… personally, I’m about 50/50 on what I thought. We also start busting out our convention plans for the summer! Learn all about what we’ll be doing at AnimeNEXT and Otakon… including the AMV contests, game shows, prizes, and a sequel to the ever-famous “The DBZ You’ve Never Seen”…! Awesome to the max! Definitely check it out.
Episode #0083! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian check up on their 2007 predictions from back at the end of 2006. How have we fared thus far? Otakon and AnimeNEXT big announcements, video game news, Viz news, June’s releases, and your e-mails round out the episode.
- Otakon Official Website
- AnimeNEXT Official Website
- AnimeNEXT Convention Planning @ Daizenshuu EX
- “Goku Densetsu” (EU NDS) @ Amazon UK
- “Sparking! METEOR” Discussion @ Daizenshuu EX
- Viz “Dragon Ball Collector” Discussion @ Daizenshuu EX
- DBZ “Remastered” Vol. 12 (Spain) @ zonadvd.com
- French Movie Boxset Discussion @ Daizenshuu EX