Podcast Episode #0099
Published by 22 October 2007, 6:47 AM EDT

Episode #0099 of the podcast is available for download! Sorry that it’s available so late on Sunday… well… it’s gotta be Sunday somewhere in the world, right now. I’ll blame it on the fact that I was busy getting my picture taken with Chimchar at the Nintendo store in NYC, today. Yep. You heard me. This week, we dove into the first part of our Sparking! METEOR review, and actually went on with more conversation than we initially planned! Good times. With Julian around, we also took a trip into the past to discuss some websites of generations gone, and how fandom and fandom’s capabilities to cope with each other have changed over time! Definitely check it out.

Episode #0099! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian do the first-part review of “Sparking! METEOR” for the PS2! OK, so Julian sat out on the topic, but with everyone together we also discussed video game sales news, cosplay outfits for sale, and a slight jump into the past for old fansites and old fandom discussion.


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