Podcast Episode #0103
Published by 18 November 2007, 4:36 PM EST

Episode #0103 of the podcast is available for download! This week we tried to answer a question… what will it take to make a watchable American live-action DB movie? Not even good… just watchable. We definitely have some thoughts on the matter, so tune in for that. Oh, and by the way… this is the two-year anniversary of the podcast! Holy snaps! Back on November 19th, 2005, we released little ol’ #0001, and here we are with #0103 two years later (not only that, but the website as a whole turns ten in January!). To celebrate the two years… well, we celebrated #0100 a couple episodes back by starting up a contest to give away daizenshuu numero dos (“STORY GUIDE”), so we’re giving it away this episode! Did you win?! You’ll want to tune in to find out. Definitely check it out.

Episode #0103! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian discuss what it will take to make a WATCHABLE live-action American DB movie… not even GOOD, just WATCHABLE. We segue in with the loads of live-action movie news, FUNimation and Viz release news, and more Atari shenanigans. Meri’s Top 5, November’s releases, your e-mails, and our daizenshuu two giveaway contest round out the episode!


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