Podcast Episode #0116
Published by 17 February 2008, 1:05 AM EST

Episode #0116 of the podcast is available for download! We took it easy this week and gave some responses about doing stupid things with the characters and their names in response to a great e-mail. Oh, and don’t mind us completely forgetting that FUNimation’s faux-“remastered” DBZ season four and the Bardock/Trunks double-feature come out this week. Then again, no-one wrote in to remind us to mention it in the releases :P. Good times this show. Definitely check it out.

Episode #0116! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian discuss some of the stupid things they’ve done with the DB characters and their names back in ye olden days in response to an e-mail. Tons of news (game reviews, upcoming release concerns, video games, music, etc.), Julian’s DBZ ABCs, and a slew of your e-mails round out the episode.


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