The upcoming “Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World” for the PS2 has been getting a lot of press thanks to the currently-on-going Tokyo Game Show. Namco-Bandai has been showcasing it among all of their other games, and we have been able to learn a little more about it.
It appears that the opening sequence to the game is going to be CG-based (like Spike’s “Sparking!” series) rather than traditional 2D animation (like Dimps’ “Budokai 2” and “Budokai 3”). Thankfully, it looks much more faithful to the source material than Spike’s efforts. You can catch a glimpse of it thanks to a video by DigInfo floating around on YouTube.
Additionally, a page over on the Atari UK website is noting music by Hironobu Kageyama. Will we be getting yet another new vocal theme song?! Here’s hoping! It could just be a recycled older song (similar to “Sparking!” and “Sparking! NEO”, along with “Super Dragon Ball Z” in a way), so we will have to wait for more solid confirmation on that.
If you need even more to salivate over, IGN has a crap-ton of screen shots up.