kei17 let us know that a new idol group named “Sherry” is going to be releasing their debut single, which happens to be yet another cover version of “Romantikku Ageru yo” (the closing theme to the Dragon Ball TV series). There is no word on whether or not this is going to be used as the closing theme to Dragon Ball Kai or if its release is just a coincidence, but it is interesting none-the-less. It will be out 22 April 2009 for ¥1200 (UPCH-5586). I do not see any pre-orders up yet on any sites, but they should be coming soon enough.
The basic details:
Sherry – Romantikku Ageru yo (“I’ll Give You Romance!”)
3 tracks
22 April 2009
- Track 1: ロマンティックあげるよ
Romantikku Ageru yo
(“I’ll Give You Romance!”) - Track 2: SEPARATE
- Track 3: SEPARATE<ajapai goes to Brazil remix>