CDJapan is having a special sale to tie-in with the Japanese release of Dragon Ball Evolution this month. They are offering up to 20% off most Dragon Ball-related DVDs (though some are only, for example, 10% off). If you have any holes in your R2 collection, this may be another great chance to fill them in. Be sure to compare with other online retailers, though, since Amazon Japan occasionally has better deals on certain volumes. For example, the first Dragon Ball movie (which many American fans are still struggling to get an uncensored version of due to the ongoing Lion’s Gate licensing fiasco/confusion) is on sale for ¥2520 on CDJapan, while it is going for ¥2175 over on Amazon Japan. Make sure you balance out prices with shipping costs, as well.
CDJapan “Evolution” Celebration Tie-In Sale
05 March 2009, 9:39 AM EST