“Dragon Ball Kai” Opening & Ending CD Singles Coming
Published by 21 March 2009, 12:37 PM EDT

As we predicted based on the short blurb about a CD single release for the Dragon Ball Kai opening theme, we are going to get double-dipped with the new opening and ending themes getting their own separate releases.

CDJapan is listing the opening theme, “Dragon Soul”, coming out 20 May 2009 in both a regular (COCC-16247, ¥1200) and “Limited Edition” (COCC-16273, ¥1300) version. There is no full track listing yet, and there are no details on what additional material the “Limited Edition” will come with.

CDJapan is also listing the closing theme, “Yeah! Break! Care Break!” (though mis-titled with “Year!” as the first word), as coming out the next month 24 June 2009. This one will also come in both a regular (COCC-16248, ¥1200) and “Limited Edition” (COCC-16283, ¥1300) version. As with the opening, there are no details on a full track listing or additional material in the “Limited Edition” beyond receiving a sticker.

Both songs will be performed by Takayoshi Tanimoto, though the new closing is also listing Takafumi Iwasaki as a performer.

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