Dragon Ball Houseboat Party ’09!
Published by 14 August 2009, 5:30 PM EDT

While this is only somewhat Dragon Ball related, I just could not pass up the chance to share it. While doing some research for my massive “Cast Guide” update, I came across Ryō Horikawa’s personal blog. In his most recent update, posted on August 1st, he wrote:

船からは花火が見えて、夏を満喫できました よ!

The other day, we had a DragonBall members houseboat get-together.
You could see fireworks from the boat, so I enjoyed the summer to the fullest!
(It seems like Arakawa had a fireworks display.)

Anyway, the phrase “nomikai” (飲み会) that Horikawa uses is interesting, since it can simply mean “get-together”, though more often than not it means “drinking party”. I have a feeling we can infer he meant both, since I don’t think that is water he is holding!

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