Podcast Episode #0195
Published by 01 November 2009, 6:10 PM EST

The written review has been up for a few days, but if you are looking for a little extra coverage on Revenge of King Piccolo for the Nintendo Wii, we’ve got you covered. Meri played the game for a bit and has a little more to toss into the conversation this week on the show. Your regular news, releases, e-mails, and all sorts of other great stuff jam packs another episode. Download the show now, or head on over to the podcast page for more information or to subscribe.

Episode #0195! VegettoEX and Meri review “Revenge of King Piccolo” for the Nintendo Wii. We finally get a console release that is something other than a fighting game, but does it cure the itch we have all been cursed with? A little bit of news, November’s cram-packed releases, and your e-mails round out the episode.


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