FUNimation Dragon Ball “Season” Set Additional Details
Published by 19 January 2010, 12:24 PM EST

Our buddy Tanooki Kuribo posted up a screen shot from a trailer for the forthcoming fourth “season” of the original Dragon Ball TV series, which reveals some cover art and a 30-episode-count:

Based on these tidbits, it seems the blue bricks will probably finish out their release comfortably in 2010, with the fifth and final set containing approximately 30 episodes, as well; assuming the fourth set has exactly 30 episodes, that will take us from 93-122, leaving a final set to go from 123-153.

Any time we post about current releases that are non-Dragon Box sets, we receive a deluge of e-mails and questions from folks asking about future prospects for Dragon Box re-releases of these episodes. To reiterate what we know: we do not know. FUNimation has said absolutely nothing regarding the franchise and further home releases beyond the Dragon Ball Z TV series and its movies in the original Dragon Box press release from last summer. We cannot make a recommendation for you in terms of what you should purchase or wait for — if you want the series to watch right now, go ahead and buy it! If you want to play your cards differently and wait on domestic Dragon Box sets that may or may not come for the original DB and GT, that is up to you! No matter how it plays out, rest assured that you will learn about any future releases first (be they from Japan or the US), right here on our site!

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