Podcast Episode #0227
Published by 28 July 2010, 11:37 PM EDT

While we just released a regular podcast episode, we have a wacky schedule coming to a close over the next few weeks and wanted to make sure we crammed out a good amount of content for you all. In this special episode, our buddy Marc from The Fanboy Review and I take a look back over the last year and gauge where North America stands with regard to home releases of the DragonBall franchise. Last Otakon brought us an announcement of DBZ Dragon Box sets… so should we expect any spectacular announcements this year? Download the show now, or head on over to the podcast page for more information or to subscribe.

Episode #0227! VegettoEX and Marc take a look back over the last year and gauge where North America stands with regard to home releases of the DragonBall franchise. Last Otakon brought us an announcement of DBZ Dragon Box sets… so should we expect any spectacular announcements this year?


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