“Dragon Ball Kai: Artificial Humans & Cell arc” DVD Vol. 3 Cover
Published by 12 November 2010, 11:49 AM EST

Just shortly after the release of the last volume, Amazon Japan has already leaked the cover art for the third DVD volume of the Artificial Humans & Cell arc. It is set to be released 03 December 2010, and is retailing for ¥2,940 (~$35). This volume will contain episodes 61-63 presented in 16:9 widescreen. You can pre-order a copy for yourself from CDJapan or Amazon Japan.

For those of you waiting for the next Blu-ray box set, I hope your patience can hold out, because it is not set to be released until February. As we have mentioned before, for some reason, the release of this arc is much more delayed than the previous arc. In fact, by the time the last Blu-ray box set for this arc is released in August 2011, the last episode on that set will have aired the previous March. By then we will probably also be about 20+ episodes into the next arc. In hindsight, I suppose it would not seem all that slow if the first arc had not released so quickly.

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