Earlier this week, we reported news from Siliconera that Namco-Bandai had trademarked two new video game titles that potentially had something to do with the Dragon Ball franchise, including one called “Ultimate Butōden” (アルティメット武闘伝).
A Japanese Tales fansite/blog is reporting that an upcoming magazine will reveal Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butōden as a fighting game for the Nintendo DS game set for release rather soon 03 February 2011 for the standard price of ¥5040.
UPDATE: Jump pages are starting to float out there, confirming everything we have been reading so far:
We know that Namco-Bandai is working on a game for the 3DS, but if this news is true, it will be the first (and possibly last?) fighting game for the regular Nintendo DS since 2005’s Bukū Ressen (released stateside as Super Sonic Warriors 2). While the PSP has exclusively seen fighting games (four in total), the library of DS games has included traditional role playing, action/adventure, fighting, and more.
This would be the second game to receive the Kai branding in Japan — the first was Dragon Ball Kai: Saiya-jin Raishū (also for the Nintendo DS), released stateside as Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans last year.
Thanks to Marc for the tip.