Jump Festa, an annual anime and manga convention hosted by Shueisha, will be held this weekend in Tokyo, Japan. Amongst the event schedule is a 30-minute “Dragon Ball Kai Special Talks Stage”, which will be hosted by voice actors from the series on Sunday (12/19) at 1:00pm. With the recent news of the new Toriko anime adaptation taking the franchise’s time slot, we may finally find out something about the fate of Kai. Unless the question is listed as completely off limits, I can not imagine that we would not find out at least a little bit about it.
Last year the talks were hosted by Masako Nozawa (Goku) and Ryūsei Nakao (Freeza), as that is where the series was at that point. Unfortunately it has not been announced who will be speaking this year, but I would not be all too surprised if it were Masako Nozawa (Goku) and Norio Wakamoto (Cell). Regardless, we will be sure to try and keep tabs on what happens this year.