“Dragon Ball Kai” CD Releases Updates
Published by 22 February 2011, 10:10 AM EST

The full track listing has been revealed for this week’s Dragon Ball Kai: Complete Song Collection, so we have added that in to its respective section in our “Music Guide”.

Next up is another head-scratcher. The so-called Dragon Ball Kai: Original Soundtrack IV has a fun little release schedule going on, and its cover art really is not helping:

The disc’s title seems to be in flux if you look around retailer sites, but the cover art seems to finalize it as Dragon Ball Kai: Original Soundtrack Shū (the same shū from daizenshuu, meaning “collection”) — the number four is nowhere to be seen. So what on Earth is this going to be? Will it truly be music from the series that has not yet made its way to CD, or like this week’s Complete Song Collection and its vocal tracks, will this be a last-gasp collection of previously-released material?

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