2012 has come to an end and 2013 is upon us. Last year was one of the most exciting years for the Dragon Ball franchise that we have ever had, and 2013 is already shaping up to be quite the contender itself. Every year we like to reflect on the biggest news stories, check in on the predictions we made a year ago, and made equally-hysterical predictions for the upcoming year. Having completed fusion last April, we are stuck with even more opinions and predictions to toss into the mix, all in addition to what you crazy fans out there always contribute. Be sure to tune in — you cannot know where you are going unless you understand where you have been!
Episode #0320! VegettoEX, Hujio, Julian, and Meri all reflect on 2012’s biggest Dragon Ball news stories. The second half of the year was obviously a big one, but some of the earlier news stories were just as fun. What were some of the biggest trends and surprises? How did our predictions line up with reality, and what do we all collectively as fandom see in our future for 2013?
Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum.