Dragon Ball Actors Win In 7th Seiyu Awards
Published by 28 February 2013, 9:45 PM EST

A selection of voice actors and actresses from the Dragon Ball franchise took home prizes in the 7th Seiyu Awards announced today in Japan.

  • The late Takeshi Aono received a lifetime achievement award for his many years of service and contributions to the industry. In Dragon Ball, Aono was best known as the voice of both Piccolo Daimaō and God (Kami-sama). Aono suffered a stroke in Summer 2010 (and was replaced as God by Bin Shimada in Dragon Ball Kai), and passed away in April 2012.
  • Masako Nozawa received a distinguished service award for her many years of service and contributions to the industry’s numerous genres and productions. In Dragon Ball, Nozawa is best known as the one and only Son Goku, but also his two sons (Son Gohan and Son Goten), along with Goku’s father Bardock and Dragon Ball Z Movie 3 doppelgänger-villain Tullece.
  • Yūji Mitsuya received the “Kei Tomiyama Award” for spreading the profession of voice acting across different media. In Dragon Ball, Mitsuya is best known as the voice of Kaiōshin.
  • Mayumi Tanaka received the “Kids/Family Award”, which was selected by children themselves. In Dragon Ball, Tanaka is best known as the voice of both Kuririn and Yajirobe, but has also played Uranai Baba — Tanaka’s biggest role today is that of Luffy from One Piece.
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  • magicbox says:

    I think it’d be neat if, once the “Battle of Gods” news dies down, the cast guide could be updated to include a chronological list of awards for each actor’s profile. It would certainly be a neat way of archiving this information.

    Just looking for ways to make your collective workload even more overwhelming… ^_^;

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