Following the release of “Chōzenshū 2: Animation Guide Part 1” in Japan today (05 March 2013), Shueisha has unveiled the two remaining Chōzenshū covers on their “Dragon Ball Project” website. As we anticipated, the third Chōzenshū volume will feature the original cover illustration from Daizenshuu 6 and the fourth Chōzenshū volume will take the cover from Daizenshuu 7. These final two Chōzenshū volumes will presumably cover the information presented in those respective Daizenshuu volumes as well.
“Chōzenshū 3: Animation Guide Part 2” is due out 04 April 2013 for ¥2,300, and is available from both CDJapan and Amazon Japan. It appears to be no coincidence that this volume, which will undoubtedly cover the various theatrical films, will hit book shelves a few days after Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods is released in Japanese movie theaters on 30 March 2013. So far there is no officially announced price point or online listing for “Chōzenshū 4: Dragon Ball Super Encyclopedia”, which is due out 09 May 2013.