Not to be outdone by Animazement down in North Carolina the same weekend, the Canadian convention Anime North recently announced Ryō Horikawa (Vegeta) as a “Guest of Honour” for the event taking place at the Toronto Congress Center from 24 May 2013 through 26 May 2013.
Horikawa is certainly no stranger to North American conventions, tackling both Anime Weekend Atlanta and Anime Expo last year.
As with last year, someone continues to offer up to every convention a hilarious mis-transliteration for the title of the insert song he performed in-character for Dragon Ball Kai: “Saiyan Brad“, otherwise known (properly) as “Saiyan Blood”.
Thanks to Michael for the heads-up!
1 Comment
😯 😯 😯 😯 OMG I can actuall meet Ryo Horikawa. YEEEEEESSSS 😯 😯 😯 😯