The official website for the first-ever “touch battle” game for the Dragon Ball franchise — Dragon Ball Tap Battle — has updated with a full trailer and link to purchase the app on the Google Play Store.
Multiplayer battles are available to play over a Bluetooth connection. The game also contains “Super Break Fight” events whereby you can inflict massive damage.
The app will run you ¥350 — roughly $3.50 — and is currently available for devices running Android 2.3 and higher. An iOS version — specifically noted for iPhone 4, 4S, and 5 — is set for release at a later, as-of-yet unspecified date.
Now to figure out how to get it on an NA Android phone 😛
This needs to be available in America now!!!!
For a moblie game this looks amazing.
This actually looks quite cool.
Oops, I didn’t think it would post my gibberish. 😳
I tried to buy the game but Google wont allow me to since my Android’s region isn’t Japan…
I want this in America. I wannnna playyyy.