New Translations: Full Color Comics Akira Toriyama Q&As
Published by 04 June 2013, 8:38 PM EDT

Back in April, all five volumes of the Freeza arc of the “Full Color Comics” were released by Shueisha in Japan. The first three of these volumes did not have anything exciting in the way of extra content (the third volume in particular having no extras at all), but the final two had in-depth Q&A sessions with original manga author Akira Toriyama. Each one goes into more detail about Toriyama’s involvement with the new film Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, as well as a few random tangents at the end.

Both interviews/Q&A sessions have been archived in our “Translations” section, where our translations of the “Dragon Ball Q&A 7” sessions from the three Saiyan arc books are also archived.

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  • Chuquita says:

    The more I read from Toriyama about BOG’s script revisions the more I’m curious about the original version beyond what I’ve already read on Kanzenshuu of it.

    Also that dropped scene of everyone going off to help Goku while he was in that pinch sounded really cool (and reminiscent of the near-end of the Cell arc in the anime).

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