Earlier this year, and shortly after the theatrical debut of the new film Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, the two-part Dream 9: Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special!! aired on Fuji TV. The lighthearted special showcased a variety of characters from the three franchises crossing over in the same world to compete against each other and battle foes together.
A selection of merchandise featuring all three franchises is due out from Bandai 30 September 2013: a tapestry (¥2,500), a micro fiber mini towel (¥600), a micro fiber sports towel (¥3,000), a pouch (¥1,000), and a tote bag (¥1,500), all currently available for pre-order via CDJapan:
Toriko took over the timeslot — alongside One Piece within the one-hour “Dream 9” block that begins at 9 a.m. on Sundays — previously occupied by the “refreshed” TV broadcast series Dragon Ball Kai in 2011 immediately after the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, which itself pre-empted the then-“final” 98th episode of Kai, relegating it to a home-video-only bonus episode in Japan.
As part of yearly anniversaries, the Toriko TV series crossed over with One Piece on their own for two TV specials before the 2013 crossover with Dragon Ball. These specials finally made their way to DVD 26 October 2012 (under the title “Collaboration Special Kanzenban“).
While there is absolutely no word just yet on a possible home release for the latest Dream 9 crossover special, with Battle of Gods hitting home video in September and these new bits of Dragon Ball x One Piece x Toriko merchandise hitting that same month, Toei and Bandai are at least setting a potential stage and welcoming atmosphere for said theoretical home release later this year.
Someone on the design team for these is a fan of Bad Man. X3
Very cool.
Pink shirt Vegeta is back. Looks like they’ll never let Vegeta live that down.
The one of them in the car reminds me of that color page in the Buu saga, with Goten, Trunks and Gohan