We first heard rumblings about a potential MMO for the Dragon Ball series all the way back in 2007. This was before Battle of Gods, before Dragon Ball Heroes, before Dragon Ball Kai, and even before the Jump Super Anime Tour Special! Lots of new additions to the franchise have come and gone since then, but Dragon Ball Online has remained the quiet extension hanging out on the other side of the world.
Various open betas and launches across the world have come since then, but an official English-language release unfortunately never saw the light of day. Chances of that seem slimmer and slimmer, especially now with an official announcement that the original Korean version of the game will completely cease operation later this month:
드래곤볼 그 이상의 감동, 드래곤볼 온라인입니다.2013년 9월 26일(목) 드래곤볼 온라인이 서비스 종료될 예정입니다.
그동안 드래곤볼 온라인과 함께해주신 고객 여러분께 감사드립니다.2010년 오픈베타를 시작으로 3년이란 길고도 짧은 기간 동안
고객님의 애정과 사랑 아래 성장하여 지금까지 올 수 있었습니다.
함께해주신 고객님께 진심을 다해 다시 한 번 감사드립니다.그러나 이젠 고객님과의 아쉬운 작별을 맞이하게 되었습니다.
고객님과 더욱 오랫동안 함께하고 싶은 마음은 간절하지만
2013년 9월 26일 목요일에는 서비스가 중지되어 이용하실 수 없게 됩니다.가슴 벅찰 정도로 소중한 추억을 남겨주신 고객 여러분에게 다시 한 번 감사드리며,
안 좋은 기억이 있으셨다면 이곳에 버리고 좋은 추억만 담아가시길 바라는 마음입니다.
여러분과 함께한 기억, 주셨던 애정 모두 마음 깊이 소중히 간직하겠습니다.드래곤볼 그 이상의 감동을 드리고 싶었던 드래곤볼 온라인이었습니다.
This is the next heartwarming experience in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Online.On September 26th, 2013, Dragon Ball Online is to end its service. To those who have been with Dragon Ball Online to this point, we express our deepest gratitude.
From the initiation of our open-beta in 2010, during those 3 long, yet brief years, we were able to grow and come this far thanks to your love and affection. To those who have stayed by our side to this point, we would like to give our sincerest thanks once again.
Alas, the time has now come for an unfortunate farewell.
Our desire to remain with you all longer remains strong, but on Thursday, September 26th, 2013, the service will be terminated and Dragon Ball Online will be unusable.
To our dear customers/players, who have left us with heart-wrenchingly precious moments, we thank you again and if there were bad memories, we hope that you would discard them here and only take with you the good and fun times you’ve had. The memories that we shared with you all, the affections that you’ve given us, we will cherish them within our hearts.
This has been Dragon Ball Online, which aspired to touch the hearts of even more than Dragon Ball.
Thank you very much.
Other countries will apparently continue to run their Dragon Ball Online servers after this point, allowing the game to live on at least a little longer.
Dragon Ball Online was sadly an experience that many of us never had a chance to live through, and information about its rich backstory are still only just now coming to light as we dig up international guide books and have information properly translated from the various sources out there.
Big thanks to TheDevilsCorpse and HG-Project for coordinating and taking on the Korean translation work for us!
For those who don’t know, DBO is also released in Taiwan & Hong Kong, and is “coming soon” for China as well. As for if they they will close later or not:
Taiwan: No announcement, but GameGuard (the service that prevents hacking the game) is not working any more, which could mean that the developers stopped paying for it for some reason…
Hong Kong: They said in their official FaceBook page that they won’t be affected by the Korean version closing, and that it won’t close.
China: The official website is no longer working… 😕 🙄
So, it only lives in Taiwan.
^ And Hong Kong.
Well HongKong version said that. But since they’re the most “fresh” version of DBO out, of course it won’t close so soon. There’s a high probability it may only be out for a year or two more. Korean version was the most updated and original one. Without it, I don’t see others ever getting any new major update.
It sucks the game was pretty fun, literally played it for days on end last year. I was playing on the Taiwan servers…
I would like to see DBO eventually bought out and continued.
NTL is now shutting down this game and this game will no longer exist come next month. Taiwan and also hk servers are being all shut down