“Full Color” Manga Ending in Viz “Weekly Shonen Jump”
Published by 10 February 2014, 1:14 PM EST

Today’s 2014 #11 digital issue of Viz’s English-language Weekly Shonen Jump announces that next week’s issue will be the last to contain the “Full Color” version of the Dragon Ball comic, wrapping things up with Chapter 245 as the trio of Bulma, Gohan, and Kuririn take off for Planet Namek.


Viz has been serializing the “Full Color” version of the Saiyan story arc since last year’s 04 February 2013 issue. The company recently released their print edition of the “Saiyan Arc – Volume 1”; a review is forthcoming here on the website in both written and podcast form. Volume 2 is due out 01 April 2014 with Volume 3 following 03 June 2014.

In Japan, the three-volume “Saiyan Arc” and five-volume “Freeza Arc” were the only ones to receive a print release, though the entirety of the rest of the series made its way in bits and pieces to a fully-colorized digital release via multiple platforms.

Be sure to check out our 2014 predictions podcast episode — we definitely had a lot of thoughts about the domestic release scheme for the “Full Color” version of the comics.

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