The final of the four promised installments for the “Vomic” — “Voiced Comic” — of Akira Toriyama’s Jaco the Galactic Patrolman is now online courtesy of Shueisha.
The fourth “Vomic” covers all of the second chapter of the series. It has been completely colorized and features slight background music and sound effects. Issei Futamata and Tsubasa Yonaga lend their voices to Omori and Jaco, respectively, while Takuya Satō finally joins in as Katayude.
After the fourth “Vomic” installment fades down from the second chapter, the voice actors briefly discuss their recording of the series and how enjoyable the experience was.
The “Vomic” website has also added a small photo gallery of the voice actors working on the series:
Jaco the Galactic Patrolman was an 11-chapter manga series by Akira Toriyama that ran from the 2013 #33-44 issues of Weekly Shōnen Jump in Japan, and also saw a simultaneous digital release in English by Viz. Originally teased by Shueisha as the “shocking revival of Dragon Ball!!”, by the series’ completion it became clear that it was indeed a true prequel to Dragon Ball.
A collected release of the manga was originally due out in Japan this past January, but was delayed to 04 April 2014 and will include some bonus material such as the reveal of Goku’s mother, Gine. Alongside a regular edition of the collected manga will be a “Super Elite” version at a slightly-higher price point.