“Battle of Gods” Japanese TV Broadcast to Contain Extra Scenes
Published by 05 March 2014, 9:01 AM EST

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods originally hit Japanese theaters back on 30 March 2013 and saw its home release 13 September 2013. Somewhat coinciding with the upcoming revival of Dragon Ball Kai and its move into the Majin Boo arc, the movie will be airing on Japanese TV later this month.

While we know plenty of material Akira Toriyama had originally suggested for the film never made it past the early planning and storyboarding stages, voice actress Eiko Yamada (Mai) detailed on Twitter that the upcoming TV broadcast will have additional scenes:

ドラゴンボールZ 神と神

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, last year’s movie, will be broadcast on March 22nd on Premium Saturday!
It will run longer than the movie! [i.e., it will be longer than the theatrical version]
The scenes of the idiot trio of Pilaf, Shuu and Mai will also be powered up with additional recording.

Yamada also posted up a picture of herself with Tesshō Genda (Shuu), as well as a copy of the recording script with “Premium Saturday” legend at top left:

The TV broadcast will air 22 March 2014 on Fuji TV at 9:00 p.m. We at Kanzenshuu will be watching to see what has been extended or otherwise altered, so expect that information to make its way into the film’s entry in our “Movie Guide” in the near-term.

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  • Funny how many of people’s criticism were that the Pilaf stuff took too long and bogged down the movie (haha BoG-ged :p). Maybe they will appear again after their original final appearance to add something useful to the story? Probably not tho :p

  • xxinfinite026xx says:

    This is some pretty intriguing news. I’d be interested to see if the “side characters” get more interaction (and possibly a small chance to show off their fighting techniques) since it’s something that was axed in the final version of the movie. They’ve got my curiosity peaked now.

    What a clever way to get more ratings 😆

  • sshadow5001 says:

    Then they’ll release and extended edition DVD and Bluray later down the line to make more cash.

  • frogoat says:

    Pretty exciting stuff.

  • Chuquita says:

    Super-curious about the extra scenes; hoping there’ll at least be some additional ssjg Gokû among them. X3

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