“Jaco” Bonus Comic Title Revealed: “Dragon Ball Minus”
Published by 24 March 2014, 9:19 PM EDT

More information is still coming out of AnimeJapan 2014, again courtesy of forum member Gerardo Martinez. This time, he happened to spot a banner advertising the 04 April 2014 release of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, but the real item of interest is the revelation of the title for the included bonus comic: “Dragon Ball Minus“. (Photo courtesy of @dbfor_rien)

This bonus comic was announced last month via a “Super Q&A” with Akira Toriyama accompanying the March 2014 issue of Saikyō Jump, and is set to introduce for the first time Goku’s mother, Gine. The illustration accompanying the images features an individual in Saiyan armor who appears to be Goku himself, as he appeared in the final chapter of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, but all will become clear when the volume itself is released next week.

The regular edition of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman is currently available for pre-order on Amazon Japan, while the “Super Elite” version is available on both Amazon Japan and CDJapan.

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