“Dragon Ball: Ultimate Swipe” (Android/iOS) Now Available
Published by 11 April 2014, 9:02 AM EDT

Originally set for release last month, Dragon Ball: Ultimate Swipe finally slipped its way out in Japan yesterday for ¥400 on the Android and iOS platforms .


The game requires iOS 5.0 / Android 4.0 or higher. Extra stages — such as ones for the Artificial Humans, Majin Boo, and “Special Battle” — are available as in-app purchases for ¥200 each.

The game is advertised as a first-person fighting game on a 3D playing field, with well-timed taps and swipes, which can also use to store up ki and unleash attacks such as a Kamehameha being key to defeating opponents. Battles with enemies will occur during “Missions”, and by progressing through the game, the player can earn CG character “figures”.

Ultimate Swipe is the third game — following Dragon Ball: Tap Battle and Dragon Ball RPG: Boyhood Arc — for the Android and iOS mobile platforms.

Thanks to Super Saiyan Prime for the heads-up.

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