Back in March 2006, as a part of the Fuji TV show IQ Supplement (or simply “IQ Supli”), a special “IQ Mirror Mistake” segment was aired — comprised of all new animation! — showcasing a battle between Son Goku and Freeza. The screen was split vertically with each side acting as a mirror image of the other. While the left side is the “correct” one, the show contestants and viewers at home play along by paying attention to mistakes or other changes made to the right side of the screen. These would include things like missing wristbands, a differently-colored ki blast, or something as simple as not even mirroring the image in the first place.
The upcoming 20 May 2014 episode of “IQ Supli” will feature a new “IQ Mirror Mistake” segment in collaboration with Dragon Ball Kai, which recently picked back up again for the Majin Boo story arc.
Thanks to our buddy kei17 for the heads-up. We will be sure to have our own Julian / SaiyaJedi pay attention to the airing!