Japanese movie website Cinema City has posted a listing for the as-of-yet untitled new Dragon Ball Z movie, which features some new details about its premiere. According to the listing the movie will have a running time of 120 minutes (2 hours), making it 35 minutes longer than the theatrical running time of Battle of Gods and 15 minutes longer than its extended “special edition”. It should be noted that no other listings for the movie are currently providing any of this information, so for now there is no way to confirm its validity; in fact, the information should be considered highly suspect — if not simply placeholder in nature — considering the fact that the movie is still more than likely in production.
All early promotions for the movie listed its premiere for “Golden Week” (abbreviated as GW), a week of public holidays that most people in Japan have off from work or school. This listing provides a more firm theatrical premiere date of 25 April 2015, which is actually the Saturday prior to “Golden Week”.
The movie’s story is being crafted by original manga author Akira Toriyama, who stated he is writing it, “…as though it were a continuation of the manga when it was in serialization,” and that while it will, “…of course be a continuation of the previous Battle of Gods,” he has also, “…deliberately increased the amount of action scenes by a good deal.” Tadayoshi Yamamuro, who worked for many years as character designer and animation supervisor on the Dragon Ball franchise, will serve as the film’s director. No other movie staff have been confirmed at this time.
Thanks to Alex Mono for the heads up.