DB30YEARS: Special Dragon Ball 30th Anniversary Magazine
Published by 20 November 2014, 10:15 AM EST

Happy Dragon Ball Day! It was on this day in 1984 that Weekly Shōnen Jump 1984 #51 officially hit shelves in Japan containing the very first chapter of Dragon Ball.

We have been working on this for a long time, and it’s amazing to be able to finally share it with everyone. We’ve been putting together a special magazine in celebration of this amazing anniversary!


It’s called “DB30YEARS“: it’s available right now, it’s available for free, and it’s available in a few awesome formats. We have an interactive version that you can read right on your computer (which also works great on tablets!), we have a standard/web-ready PDF that you can download like normal, and we also have an e-reader compatible (MOBI) version that you can load up to your Kindle, Nook, etc. to dive into just the articles themselves.

You will see a lot of familiar names on the contributors list, maybe some you haven’t seen in a long while, and perhaps a few new ones. The articles are absolutely incredible, and we can’t wait for you to dive in. There is a complete list of contributors at the beginning of the magazine, as well as on the respective “Features” page.

The cover art comes from Kim Herbst and is also featured as a part of the art exhibit hosted by Q Pop Shop in LA.

In terms of us Kanzenshuu staff, we’ve also contributed material, and 99% of it is original to this publication (though, of course, a lot will eventually make its way back to the website-proper in the near future). Not only do we have editorial pieces, but also some new original research that we’ve been saving up. Some of this new material includes things like:

  • Changes made from the original WSJ serialization (Gohan’s age…!!!)
  • Comparisons with Toriyama’s one-shots and Dr. Slump (Futon ga futton da!)
  • Deep look into the numbers behind how filler came to be and what would have happened without it (we have a chart! wow!)
  • Homages in American television (The Tenka’ichi Budokai is finally complete!)

… and a ton more!

Check it out, share it with friends, share it with other fans, and let us know what you think.

Thank you Akira Toriyama, and happy birthday Dragon Ball…!

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