The official Twitter account for Dragon Ball Super has started a daily countdown leading up to the series’ debut 05 July 2015. Today’s entry, with seven days to go until the premiere, reveals the (previously-posted) 30-second preview for the upcoming TV series that was broadcast with the final episode of Dragon Ball Kai:
There are 7 days until the Dragon Ball Super broadcast begins on July 5th! The video for the 30-second preview that was first aired today has been released! (S)
The YouTube posting of the video, which is again region-locked, has been mirrored below from its Fuji TV website posting:
Dragon Ball Super, which begins airing 05 July 2015 on Fuji TV, is the first all-new TV series for the franchise in 18 years. The story and characters will be developed by original manga author Akira Toriyama, will star veteran voice actress Masako Nozawa, and will be directed by Kimitoshi Chioka. The series will, “…follow the aftermath of Goku’s fierce battle with Majin Boo, as he attempts to maintain earth’s fragile peace.” A manga adaptation from “Toyotarō” will run each month in V-Jump starting with this month’s August 2015 issue.