Podcast Episode #0392
Published by 08 December 2015, 9:19 PM EST

Music has been in the DNA of this website going all the way back to not just Daizenshuu EX but even VegettoEX’s Home Page before it. From track listings to lyrics to reviews and beyond, we absolutely adore the music in Dragon Ball. Join us for an introductory course on the main figureheads behind the franchise’s music (yes, including those in Japan and North America, believe it or not…!) as we attempt to discover what it truly is that defines the music in Dragon Ball.

Episode #0392! VegettoEX and Kirbopher trek through a sea of Dragon Ball music composers in an attempt to answer the big question: what defines Dragon Ball music? Is it the instrumentation or the raw compositions? What aspects can be found in each different musical score? Join us for an in-depth look!


Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum, and be sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Tumblr.

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