Arale-chan (originally of Akira Toriyama’s Dr. Slump, as well as Dragon Ball by way of a crossover during the Red Ribbon Army arc) will appear in the upcoming forty-third episode of Dragon Ball Super set to air 15 May 2016 in Japan.
The personal blog of Mayumi Tanaka (Kuririn & Yajirobe) recently showcased a photo of her hanging out with several other “aged” voice actors working on “today’s Dragon Ball“, saying to “look forward to the episode [this person] appears in”. In the front row with Tanaka are Hiromi Tsuru (Bulma) and Shigeru Chiba (Pilaf) to her right and left, respectively. Behind them in the back row, from left to right, are Mami Koyama (Lunch & Arale), Eiko Yamada (Mai), Masako Nozawa (Son Goku), and Yūko Minaguchi (Videl & Pan).
Additionally, the personal website of Mami Koyama herself lists her as playing the role of Arale in the May 15th episode of Dragon Ball Super:
May 15th (Sunday) 9:00~
Fuji TV Dragon Ball Super: role of Arale
Thanks to alakazam^ on our forum for the heads-up!
1 Comment
This is incredibly awesome!! But they shouldn’t spoil this kind of thing. I would very much prefer to be surprised while watching the episode.