In commemoration of its 60th anniversary this year, Toei Animation has launched an official “60th Anniversary YouTube Channel” which will feature free episodes and movies of the company’s most popular animated series created over the last 60 years.
The channel’s launch was officially announced on the official Dragon Ball Super website and via a press release published on Toei’s corporate website. In honor of “Goku Day” (May 9th) and the announcement of the “Future Trunks Arc” in Dragon Ball Super, the 60th anniversary channel has posted the Dragon Ball 10th anniversary movie (“The Path to Ultimate Strength”) and the second Dragon Ball Z TV special, which will be available for free for a limited time. Note that all videos posted on the channel are region locked and available for streaming only in Japan.
Also available on the channel are the first episodes of the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Kai TV series. The channel is scheduled to remain open until July 2017, and will continue to highlight other series until then, including Dr. Slump — Arale-chan, Fist of the North Star, Slam Dunk, Digimon Adventure, Kinnikuman, Saint Seiya, and many more. Additional movies are scheduled to be made available this summer.
1 Comment
You reckon there’s any chance they’ll up the lost content? Like the year end special and stuff like that? Probably not.