“Dragon Ball Fusions” (3DS) Space/Time Vortex Quest Week 3 Recap
Published by 30 December 2016, 5:15 PM EST

This month’s 2.2.0 update for Dragon Ball Fusions on the Nintendo 3DS in Japan introduced new Space/Time Vortex Quest weekly challenges. Running from 21 December 2016 to 27 December 2016, the third quest tasked players with defeating Merged Zamasu. All participants in this third challenge received Zamasu and Merged Zamasu as playable characters, with the top 60,000 players (based on the online leaderboard) also receiving the “Holy Wrath” technique. Players also received the villains’ clothing as new customization options.

Dragon Ball Fusions, developed by Ganbarion for Bandai Namco, is the latest Dragon Ball franchise portable video game and is exclusively available on the Nintendo 3DS. The game has sold upward of 170,000 copies thus far in Japan and has received three free updates. The game was released in America 22 November 2016 and is set for a release in Europe 17 February 2017. Bandai Namco has announced a free update coming to the international release of the game in early 2017.

Read our full review, or check our Episode #0415 of our podcast for more discussion regarding the game.

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