Listings for the seventh DVD and Blu-ray Japanese home video box set of the Dragon Ball Super television series have begun to appear on retailer sites.
The set — due out 02 August 2017 — will cover episodes 73 to 84, wrapping up the “Future Trunks arc” and beginning the “Universe Survival arc” of the series. The set will also include a creditless version of the respective closing theme used during its batch of episodes. DVD boxes are priced at ¥12,096 while Blu-ray boxes are priced at ¥16,416.
The sixth DVD and Blu-ray box for the series (covering episodes 61-72) was released earlier this month in Japan. The series is currently being released as two-disc box sets in Japan; single-disc rental DVDs are available separately with their own unique cover art.
The Dragon Ball Super television series now receives weekly simulcast streams on services such as Crunchyroll and Daisuki. FUNimation has also announced their American distribution license for the series, with the English dub beginning earlier this year on Cartoon Network, and a home release set to begin in July.