New Toei Animation “Dragon Ball Super: Universe Survival Arc” Promotional Video Highlights Ten-Member Universe 7 Team
Published by 28 April 2017, 7:36 PM EDT

Toei Animation has uploaded a new promotional video in support of the Dragon Ball Super television series’ on-going “Universe Survival arc“. While a previous video focused solely on #17 (returning to the series after an extended absence), this latest video briefly highlights each member of Universe 7’s team with footage from the original Dragon Ball Z television series (from its Kai remastering) as well as current Super material.

Ten warriors take up the challenge of a battle with survival on the line, universe pitted against universe
The biggest battle royale in history will break out
The only ones to survive will be those standing at the end

The Dragon Ball Super television series now receives weekly simulcast streams on services such as Crunchyroll and Daisuki. FUNimation has also announced their American distribution license for the series, with the English dub beginning earlier this year on Cartoon Network, and a home release set to begin in July.

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