Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X for the Nintendo 3DS — the third and latest portable entry supporting the over-six-years-old, still-going-strong, card-based arcade game — launched in Japan 27 April 2017. According to the Media Create sales list for the reporting period of 01 May 2017 to 07 May 2017, the game pushed an additional 31,271 copies during its second week on sale, bringing its total sales to 128,365 copies in Japan.
By comparison, the original Ultimate Mission had sold 110,301 copies by its respective second week in March 2013, while Ultimate Mission 2 had done 108,857 copies by its respective second week in August 2014. The most recent Nintendo 3DS game prior to Ultimate Mission X‘s release — Ganbarion’s Dragon Ball Fusions — had pushed 109,310 total copies by its respective second week last August.
1 Comment
Best news I heard all week. Well deserved 8)