The official Dragon Ball website’s twenty-sixth entry in “The Nearly Complete Works of Akira Toriyama” — an on-going series highlighting rare and important pieces of the author’s work over the years — is the February page from a special Dr. Slump-themed calendar included with the 1982 No. 3-4 double issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump in Japan (released 22 December 1981, as opposed to the printed date of 11 January 1982 as noted in the official website’s update).
The calendar’s images — which span thirteen total pages including the cover — are said to pop off the page due to the thick pen used.
Toriyama’s author comment that week pokes simultaneous fun-and-frustration at those buying the issue solely for the calendar and/or not enjoying (or able to enjoy) the magazine to its fullest:
Chapter 101 of Dr. Slump — “Penguin Village Wars: Part 1” — was included in the regular lineup this issue.