“The Nearly Complete Works of Akira Toriyama”: Work #068
Published by 19 April 2018, 9:05 PM EDT

The official Dragon Ball website’s sixty-eighth entry in “The Nearly Complete Works of Akira Toriyama” — an on-going series highlighting rare and important pieces of the author’s work over the years — is Toriyama’s emblem for the koala house at Higashiyama Zoo in Nagoya.

The emblem was created in 1984 when these koalas were introduced in the zoo. In 2014, the emblem was decorated and updated to celebrate the exhibit’s 30th anniversary:

Toriyama mentioned this emblem in his comment accompanying chapter 223 of Dr. Slump in the 1984 No. 26 issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump (released 29 May 1984):

名古屋市に頼まれコアラのシンボルマークをかく かわいいよ <明>

Nagoya City asked me to draw a koala emblem for them. It’s cute <Akira>
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