During this evening’s “Dragon Ball Games Super Showcase” pre-recorded live stream from Bandai Namco, the forthcoming Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission for Nintendo Switch — already set for release 04 April 2019 in Japan — was announced for international release 05 April 2019 on Nintendo Switch and PC.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, developed by Dimps for Bandai Namco, is a home version of the ongoing Super Dragon Ball Heroes card-based arcade game in Japan. The game is set to feature an original story with Shiirasu, an antagonist with the Galatic Patrol insignia who arrives at the Time Nest speaking of “justice” to Trunks and the Kaiōshin of Time, designed by Toyotarō. During the live stream (which featured fully-localized gameplay), the character’s official “English” name spelling was revealed to be “Sealas”.
Following the announcement, Bandai Namco made the debut trailer available on their YouTube channel:
World Mission follows three Dragon Ball Heroes games released on the Nintendo 3DS. The most recent entry was Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X in April 2017; the game covered 3,300 cards from the arcade version’s original 8 missions, 10 “Galaxy Missions”, 8 “Evil Dragon Missions”, and 10 “God Missions”, effectively encompassing all content pre-Super Dragon Ball Heroes in its own original story mode in addition to the arcade version’s mission structure.
Outside of a single test run at San Diego Comic Con earlier this year, no Dragon Ball Heroes content has ever received an international/localized release outside of Japan. World Mission was, however, recently rated by the Australian government’s Department of Communications and the Arts. Online import gaming retailer Play-Asia recently tweeted that the mainland Asia release of the game will feature English subtitles.
UPDATE: The North American Nintendo Switch edition of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission is available for pre-order on Amazon.