“Dragon Ball Super: Broly” Japanese DVD/Blu-ray Regular and Limited Editions Releasing June 5
Published by 11 March 2019, 9:53 AM EDT

The Japanese home video release of last year’s Dragon Ball Super: Broly theatrical film on DVD and Blu-ray has been announced for 05 June 2019.

All editions will include a trailer collection in addition to the film itself, which will will be presented in 5.1 surround sound as well as with a descriptive audio track for the visually-impaired. Special “Limited Edition” versions will also be available on DVD and Blu-ray for ¥7,800 and ¥8,800, respectively, which are set to further include:

  • A bonus disc (DVD for both the Blu-ray and DVD releases) with video of the November 14 world premiere at the Budokan, the December 15 onstage greeting in commemoration of the film’s opening, and a collection of TV spots and promotional footage
  • Pack-in bonuses such as a “Saiyan button badge set”, a 32-postcard set, an “original card folder” and a “deluxe 60-page booklet”
  • The outer case is planned to have a new illustration by the film’s animation supervisor Naohiro Shintani, as well as special digipack packaging

Amazon Japan recently emailed those with pre-orders of the outlet’s own version of the limited edition, stating that due to an unexpectedly high number of orders, customers will be unable to cancel existing orders from 31 March 2019 onward.

The Japanese editions of the film are available for pre-order on Amazon Japan and CDJapan. FUNimation’s North American release of the film is set to hit DVD and Blu-ray 16 April 2019 ahead of the Japanese release.

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