As scheduled, a pre-recorded Comic-Con@Home panel covering the previously announced Dragon Ball Super 2022 film was posted online at 1:00pm EDT on 23 July 2021. The panel featured voice actress Masako Nozawa (Son Goku), Toei Animation producer Norihiro Hayashida, and Shueisha executive producer Akio Iyoku.
Following a “live” performance of “CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA” by Hironobu Kageyama, the panel’s host, Sascha, unveiled the upcoming film’s official title: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
With the reveal of the film’s new title, Akio Iyoku remarked (per the panel’s included subtitles) that, “There’s two ‘supers’ in there, which is great! We really wanted to emphasize that this movie is all about the superhero vibes. Toriyama-sensei, as before, is really focusing on the superhero aspect this time.” As with the previous three films, original author Akira Toriyama is heavily involved with the film’s production, once again providing both the story, script, and character designs. Several of the film’s character designs were also showcased during the panel, including Piccolo, Kuririn, and Pan. As Akio Iyoku points out, Piccolo’s arms are now yellow and his sash (obi) is red, as opposed to pink and blue as used in the TV series up to this point. These colors fall inline with the colors established in the manga, bringing the two mediums more closer together than ever before.
At the moment no specific details are known about the film’s plot, but the panel did provide the first original character designs from Akira Toriyama for the new film, as well as the debut of the setting design for Piccolo’s home on Earth.
While a definitive release date has not been set, it is slated for sometime in 2022. As with the franchise’s most recent film, a simultaneous globalized released is anticipated. To conclude the panel, a preview teaser trailer was debuted, with the panelists providing their own personal thoughts. The trailer showcases an original sequence, that will not appear in the film, to demonstrate the new CG look and style that this film will utilize. Iyoku specifically noted that they wanted to showcase “his movement and feeling” and they are “using different technologies” for this production.
Shortly after the panel’s conclusion, the revamped Dragon Ball Official Site unveiled the film’s official website (, which currently only contains Toriyama’s original comment, the teaser trailer, and a video of the full “Dragon Ball Special” discussion panel at Comic-Con.